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Download How To Open Fla Files

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How to open a.FLA file? Execute.FLA file by double-clicking on it. If you have already installed the software to open it and the files associations are set up correctly,.FLA file will be opened. If Windows keeps asking you what program should be used to open the file, the problem is most possibly caused by broken files associations. If you cannot open the FL file on your computer - there may be several reasons. The first and most important reason (the most common) is the lack of a suitable software that supports FL among those that are installed on your device. A very simple way to solve this problem is to find and download the appropriate application.

I've recently installed flex builder 2 and it seems like a
really easy to use application. The problem I have, is that I have
to support a flash project that was written using flash cs3. The
action script files (*.ai) are the same which is good, but I don't
know how to open/import/convert the *.fla files to mxml files. Is
it possible ? I searched the web and was surprised to discover that
there is so little information on this topic...

Open Fla Files Online

The preferred way to use Flash assets in flex is to export
them as SWC components. I don't do Flash, yet, so I can't be more

Download How To Open Fla Files

Similar Messages

  • Dear All;
    I created a fla file and now i want to import it into a
    presentation slide. Is it possible?
    Thank you very much,

    you can load an 'swf' file (but not the fla) into an empty
    movieclip - using the loadMovie() method or the MovieClipLoader

  • I've just found this nice effect in flash.
    Would it possible to import it in a Flex project?
    Thanks in advance.

    I got these files also. But how to use Flash's fl.transitions. package with Flex.
    Flash and Flex are doing transitions very differently.
    In Flex, for example,
    Define a transition effect:
    Use it:
    Flash uses TransitionManager:
    import fl.transitions.*;
    import fl.transitions.easing.*;
    var myTM:TransitionManager = new TransitionManager(my_mc);
    myTM.startTransition({type:Wipe, direction:Transition.OUT, duration:3, easing:Strong.easeOut, startPoint:1});
    How to define the MovieClip - 'my_mc'? Both Flex and Flash have flash.dispaly.MoiveClip. Are they the same?

  • How can we import a Flash Professional .fla file format into Flash Catalyst? It would appear that we can' least not yet! I have added this as a feature request within the adobe labs site for Catalyst. Someone at Adobe suggested that I also explore the forums, so here we are. If you would also like to have this feature added, please let Adobe know by promoting the
    Our use case is this: we have a large Flash file with a library of over one thousand skins and assets that were built in Flash with Adobe's Flex Skins Templates. These stateful, graphical skins were used within a custom theme by several Flex 3 projects.
    Now that we are looking to migrate to FlashBuilder 4, and start to use Spark components, we are trying to find a workflow that allows us to use Adobe tools and to reuse our existing vector artwork. Since we have such a large number of assets, we are exploring various approaches, including the use of JSFL. So far we haven't found a good way to migrate from Flash-built skins for Flex 3 to Catalyst-built skins for FlashBuilder 4.

    Hi Ajay,
    See attached V 7.0 example...
    Hope it helps,
    Attachments: ‏20 KB

  • Imported an mp3 file of 6 Mb and the FLA file increased by 47
    Compressed and saved - no result. Removed mp3, compressed
    FLA, imported
    MP3 - same story. Is this supposed to be like that? If not ho
    do I sort this

    create a new empty fla (say soundAssets.fla) and add all the sounds to its library. in (advanced) properties, tick 'export for actionscript' and 'export in frame 1' and set class name.
    in publish settings, tick 'export SWC' in 'flash' tab and then publish swf. this will produce a soundAssets.swf and soundAssets.swc file - you just need the swc
    finally, in your main fla, goto actionscript settings and in 'library path' tab, add the swc by clicking on the + sign and then the flash symbol (f).
    now you can reference the sounds by class as before but they are stored in another fla. each time you change the sounds in soundAssets.fla, you will need to republish the swc

  • Hi,
    I am having one of those 'self doubt sanity' moments.
    Entering melt down here !
    I want to make a movieclip from a graphic map background, and some existing movieClips that reside in another .fla
    In this other .fla file the movieclips are in the wrong layer so by starting over I wish to tidy things up.
    How do I create a movie clip from such ?
    Then I start thinking, how does one create a movie clip, then bring it into another file ?
    I even did a test that went:-
    1) create new AS3 file
    2) draw a box
    3) select box and hit F8 Convert to symbol, select movieclip and name it box_movieclip
    4) d/click box and made a classic tween and had box moving across stage.
    5) save as and named file MovieClip_Boxtest.fla
    6) open new file AS3 and import to library the BoxTween.fla and got a message saying One or more files not imported as problems reading them.
    So having done the above stages 1 to 5 which made a movieclip, how do I get that into another fla file ?
    having done this before I am panicking that I have lost some brain cells !

    When I want to move a movieclip from one fla to another I just right click it in the library and select copy. Then I go to the library of the other fla, right click the library (off any other symbols) and select paste.

  • Hello
    How many types i can import as file in FLA and what's the differences ??

    you wouldn't import a .as file.
    you could open it in the flash ide (or any text editor) and edit it.
    you could create a fla and assign a document class which flash will compile into your swf.
    you could create a library object in a fla, tick export for actionscript and assign a class that flash will compile that class into your swf.
    you could instantiate a class object (using the 'new' constructor) in a flash movieclip timeline or in another class file and flash will compile that class into your swf.
    for Workers to extend a class use something like:
    import Citizens;
    public class Workers extends Citizens
    protected var baseSalary:Number = 1000;
    public function Workers()
    public function receivePayment():Number
    return this.baseSalary;

  • Can I import an MP4 or FLV to Flash and make it an editable .fla file?

    Thanks for helping me.
    It's a vector animation that was made in flash and exported into a swf I believe and then posted on a website and on youtube. I have the mp4 ad the flv that I have converted from the online file using an online tool. I would like to use it as a base for my own video and just switch out some of the frames and characters/backgrounds - is that possible in Premier?

  • I've made an intro for my website which is flash. I've made
    it in another fla. file, so how can I import all of it to my
    originally file - or is their an easier way to integrate a intro on
    your site? The intro is supposed to go directly to my site, without
    any clicking.
    I've tried to import the intro as a swf. file, but then it
    changes my text settings and make them smaller?
    Please help!

    The Flash help documents are one good place to learn about anything that can be coded in Flash. If you were to look up the Loader class you would probably find examples there. Any very good resource for Flash coding information is Google. If you were to search Google using 'AS3 Loader tutorial' you would probably find some helpful results.
    The basics of usng the Loader class would be...
    var urlReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest('path to your swf file');
    var ldr:Loader = new Loader();
    ldr.x = ??? place it where you want it
    ldr.y = ???

  • I lost my fla file!!! the due date of my project tomorrow... I need the script please. How to get my fla file back from my iPad? I published it before I lost my fla file pleaaaaaase HELP!!!!
    PLEASE EXPLAINE FOR ME HOW? It was a recovery file and I saved it then I lost it, I work in mac.

    you should be able to reconstruct your fla file from a published non-encrypted swf version you have, by using sth like this:

  • I installed a trial version of Flash CS3. I had a Flash 8
    Professional already installed. Every time I tried to open a fla it
    crashed, so I uninstalled both versions and reinstalled. I still
    have the same problem. I can't open existing fla files or create
    new fla files. This is important to my work so I would appreciate
    any help.
    PC: AMD Athlon 64 Processor 3000+ 2GHz 1GByte RAM
    Graphic: GeForce 6600

    shouldn't adobe help you?

  • I can't imagine why this is- but if someone has some
    eperience here- I would be so ever grateful.
    I can't get Flash MX 2004 to inport FLA files into the shared
    library. When I select inport/into shared library I get an error
    message that says flash does not recognize the .fla file type and
    wants to know if I should let quick time see if it can recognize
    the file. 'Use quicktime instead'.
    Here is what I have tried:
    Reset the file types in File/Folder under control panel to
    default- Flash- But all file types were already recognzed- -reset
    was just a deperation hope and prayer.
    Un-installed quicktime then tried to import- no
    un-installed flash- reinstalled flash- tried to import- no
    Installed newest version of Quicktime and then tried to
    import- no
    Reverted to a prior system restore point- then
    Re-installed Flash - tried to import-no
    looked in the registry but could not navigate to anything
    that resembled file extensions-
    Flash saves FLA's and makes SWF's just as it should- opens
    FLA's and sees FLA file types in the saved folder.
    When I initialize the import/to library functon FLA file
    types are not listed unless I select 'all file types' in the file
    types drop down- it does recognize SWFs
    Flash did recognize FLA's until I played a Quicktime
    Instruction CD. With no further action on my part, it quit
    importing correctly-
    No viruses are found
    ?? ideas
    Any other ideas or work-arounds would be greatly

    Thanks Shane- but when I need to share a library file- I
    select file/ import to library and that is where I get the error- I
    was able to share Flash librarys befor I played the quicktime file-
    and now- unfortunately FLAs are an unrecognized format. And I am no
    longer getting the additional mesage 'do you want Quicktime to try
    and open them. Just a message that says 'one or more files were not
    imported because there were errors reading them'
    But they open in flash.... which is what I don't understand-
    something has happend that flash no-longer sees the fla file type
    under the File/ Import to Library.
    Yeah, that would have been a ton of effort... Hopefully a
    little more clarification in the details...

  • Hello. I'm fresh Flash Catalyst 5.5 user and I suppose I do something wrong. I tried to open .fla template simply by double-clicking it, but it is not recognized. Then I tried to rightclick on it and choose 'open file with', but when I choose FC 5.5 it just opens as new, empty file. I search whole lot of forums and it seems no one but me had ever problem like this. I hope in this case I'm just stupid and it's something obvious, i.e. FC doesn't read .fla files, and it's not my templates what are corrupted.

    Unfortunately Flash Catalyst does not support flas. It will import swfs and use them just fine. Flash Catalyst is really the design tool for Flash Builder.
    Hope this helps.

  • Does anyone know if this is at all possible?
    As I'm trying to find older versions of Flash and is becoming a pain, even the trials are non-existent, currently going through old cover disks to find trials.
    I did make an amend in the older Flash FLA file, saved and published it in CC,ran the SWF in a browser and the pages simultaneously skipped between one another.
    Any ideas grealy appreciated.
    *I accepted the prompt about all old Actionscripts will be updated - to continue using the CC effectively*

    You can find old trial versions at the site linked below.
    Be sure to follow the steps outlined in the Note: Very Important Instructions section on the download pages at this site or else the download will not work properly.

  • We are working with a set of old files, first developed in
    Flash 4 or 5. They contain text, audio, and embedded QT video, and
    they were published as .mov files. We've converted the videos to
    .flv files and now we need to link to the .flv files, using
    progressive download, and keeping all the text and audio the same.
    I've looked at every tutorial everywhere and cannot find one
    that shows a combination of video plus text and audio. I can get
    the FLVPlayback to work
    if I have nothing else in the file, and
    if I leave all the frames left from the original audio and
    put the video where the original .mov file was.
    Otherwise, the movie doesn't play. The path is correct.
    Actually, I just tested one where I removed the original .mov
    and replaced it with the FLVPlayback, and this one didn't work
    This is my 2nd request for help. I hope I've stated the
    problem clearly enough that someone will say aha! and give me the
    solution. I am highly frustrated.

    That's not quite it. The old mov files contained embedded
    video files in .mov format. I've converted the original videos from
    .mov to .flv files, no problem. Now I basically want to replace the
    embedded .mov file in the .fla file with a linked .flv file. What
    I'm doing:
    1. Open the old .fla file, convert to Flash 8.
    2. Select the embedded .mov file (the video), note the
    coordinates, and delete it.
    3. File->Import Video. Select Progressive download, locate
    the .flv file, and get the FLVPlayback component into the same
    keyframe and coordinates where the original .mov file was.
    4. Check the parameters for the FLVPlayback - path is correct
    (same folder as .swf and .fla).
    5. Publish - No video plays.
    If you can help me with this I will be deeply, deeply

Maybe you are looking for

Open it in another program. When you double-click FLS files, your computer attempts to open it in a. Upon clicking a download link, you'll be prompted to choose a location where the file should be saved. Select a location to save the file and click Save. When the download completes, press Ctrl+J to open the Downloads folder. In the window that appears, locate your download and click the Run button to open it.

  • I need sata support to install linux. Thought about freebsd, but it looked there where to many probabilities I would kill my computer. Tried fedora, and it was crap. So I wanted to know when is 0.6 going to be release. Anybody knows or can speculate?

  • Dear All, We need to communicate between two PI System and message should be transfer both the side. we don't share PI technical System Details. 1) whether we can create a Business System as a Third Party type with a Generic technical System which is

  • Hi, I have written a winforms application over a year ago. When I did, I used CR for VS. I had no problems creating reports. I have started a new application, and am having problems running a report. I can design the report with no problems, but when

  • Will it import the FLV natively? thanks..

  • So I just auto updated to Premiere CS5.0.2. For the most part everything seems to work ok. I have an nVidia 285GTX based graphics card so I use the GPU Mercury Playback Engine. However, any time I try and use one of the accelerated video transitions

How to open file type

Similar Messages

  • Dear All;
    I created a fla file and now i want to import it into a
    presentation slide. Is it possible?
    Thank you very much,

    you can load an 'swf' file (but not the fla) into an empty
    movieclip - using the loadMovie() method or the MovieClipLoader

  • I've just found this nice effect in flash.
    Would it possible to import it in a Flex project?
    Thanks in advance.

    I got these files also. But how to use Flash's fl.transitions. package with Flex.
    Flash and Flex are doing transitions very differently.
    In Flex, for example,
    Define a transition effect:
    Use it:
    Flash uses TransitionManager:
    import fl.transitions.*;
    import fl.transitions.easing.*;
    var myTM:TransitionManager = new TransitionManager(my_mc);
    myTM.startTransition({type:Wipe, direction:Transition.OUT, duration:3, easing:Strong.easeOut, startPoint:1});
    How to define the MovieClip - 'my_mc'? Both Flex and Flash have flash.dispaly.MoiveClip. Are they the same?

  • How can we import a Flash Professional .fla file format into Flash Catalyst? It would appear that we can' least not yet! I have added this as a feature request within the adobe labs site for Catalyst. Someone at Adobe suggested that I also explore the forums, so here we are. If you would also like to have this feature added, please let Adobe know by promoting the
    Our use case is this: we have a large Flash file with a library of over one thousand skins and assets that were built in Flash with Adobe's Flex Skins Templates. These stateful, graphical skins were used within a custom theme by several Flex 3 projects.
    Now that we are looking to migrate to FlashBuilder 4, and start to use Spark components, we are trying to find a workflow that allows us to use Adobe tools and to reuse our existing vector artwork. Since we have such a large number of assets, we are exploring various approaches, including the use of JSFL. So far we haven't found a good way to migrate from Flash-built skins for Flex 3 to Catalyst-built skins for FlashBuilder 4.

    Hi Ajay,
    See attached V 7.0 example...
    Hope it helps,
    Attachments: ‏20 KB

  • Imported an mp3 file of 6 Mb and the FLA file increased by 47
    Compressed and saved - no result. Removed mp3, compressed
    FLA, imported
    MP3 - same story. Is this supposed to be like that? If not ho
    do I sort this

    create a new empty fla (say soundAssets.fla) and add all the sounds to its library. in (advanced) properties, tick 'export for actionscript' and 'export in frame 1' and set class name.
    in publish settings, tick 'export SWC' in 'flash' tab and then publish swf. this will produce a soundAssets.swf and soundAssets.swc file - you just need the swc
    finally, in your main fla, goto actionscript settings and in 'library path' tab, add the swc by clicking on the + sign and then the flash symbol (f).
    now you can reference the sounds by class as before but they are stored in another fla. each time you change the sounds in soundAssets.fla, you will need to republish the swc

  • Hi,
    I am having one of those 'self doubt sanity' moments.
    Entering melt down here !
    I want to make a movieclip from a graphic map background, and some existing movieClips that reside in another .fla
    In this other .fla file the movieclips are in the wrong layer so by starting over I wish to tidy things up.
    How do I create a movie clip from such ?
    Then I start thinking, how does one create a movie clip, then bring it into another file ?
    I even did a test that went:-
    1) create new AS3 file
    2) draw a box
    3) select box and hit F8 Convert to symbol, select movieclip and name it box_movieclip
    4) d/click box and made a classic tween and had box moving across stage.
    5) save as and named file MovieClip_Boxtest.fla
    6) open new file AS3 and import to library the BoxTween.fla and got a message saying One or more files not imported as problems reading them.
    So having done the above stages 1 to 5 which made a movieclip, how do I get that into another fla file ?
    having done this before I am panicking that I have lost some brain cells !

    When I want to move a movieclip from one fla to another I just right click it in the library and select copy. Then I go to the library of the other fla, right click the library (off any other symbols) and select paste.

  • Hello
    How many types i can import as file in FLA and what's the differences ??

    you wouldn't import a .as file.
    you could open it in the flash ide (or any text editor) and edit it.
    you could create a fla and assign a document class which flash will compile into your swf.
    you could create a library object in a fla, tick export for actionscript and assign a class that flash will compile that class into your swf.
    you could instantiate a class object (using the 'new' constructor) in a flash movieclip timeline or in another class file and flash will compile that class into your swf.
    for Workers to extend a class use something like:
    import Citizens;
    public class Workers extends Citizens
    protected var baseSalary:Number = 1000;
    public function Workers()
    public function receivePayment():Number
    return this.baseSalary;

  • Can I import an MP4 or FLV to Flash and make it an editable .fla file?

    Thanks for helping me.
    It's a vector animation that was made in flash and exported into a swf I believe and then posted on a website and on youtube. I have the mp4 ad the flv that I have converted from the online file using an online tool. I would like to use it as a base for my own video and just switch out some of the frames and characters/backgrounds - is that possible in Premier?

  • I've made an intro for my website which is flash. I've made
    it in another fla. file, so how can I import all of it to my
    originally file - or is their an easier way to integrate a intro on
    your site? The intro is supposed to go directly to my site, without
    any clicking.
    I've tried to import the intro as a swf. file, but then it
    changes my text settings and make them smaller?
    Please help!

    The Flash help documents are one good place to learn about anything that can be coded in Flash. If you were to look up the Loader class you would probably find examples there. Any very good resource for Flash coding information is Google. If you were to search Google using 'AS3 Loader tutorial' you would probably find some helpful results.
    The basics of usng the Loader class would be...
    var urlReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest('path to your swf file');
    var ldr:Loader = new Loader();
    ldr.x = ??? place it where you want it
    ldr.y = ???

  • I lost my fla file!!! the due date of my project tomorrow... I need the script please. How to get my fla file back from my iPad? I published it before I lost my fla file pleaaaaaase HELP!!!!
    PLEASE EXPLAINE FOR ME HOW? It was a recovery file and I saved it then I lost it, I work in mac.

    you should be able to reconstruct your fla file from a published non-encrypted swf version you have, by using sth like this:

  • I installed a trial version of Flash CS3. I had a Flash 8
    Professional already installed. Every time I tried to open a fla it
    crashed, so I uninstalled both versions and reinstalled. I still
    have the same problem. I can't open existing fla files or create
    new fla files. This is important to my work so I would appreciate
    any help.
    PC: AMD Athlon 64 Processor 3000+ 2GHz 1GByte RAM
    Graphic: GeForce 6600

    shouldn't adobe help you?

  • I can't imagine why this is- but if someone has some
    eperience here- I would be so ever grateful.
    I can't get Flash MX 2004 to inport FLA files into the shared
    library. When I select inport/into shared library I get an error
    message that says flash does not recognize the .fla file type and
    wants to know if I should let quick time see if it can recognize
    the file. 'Use quicktime instead'.
    Here is what I have tried:
    Reset the file types in File/Folder under control panel to
    default- Flash- But all file types were already recognzed- -reset
    was just a deperation hope and prayer.
    Un-installed quicktime then tried to import- no
    un-installed flash- reinstalled flash- tried to import- no
    Installed newest version of Quicktime and then tried to
    import- no
    Reverted to a prior system restore point- then
    Re-installed Flash - tried to import-no
    looked in the registry but could not navigate to anything
    that resembled file extensions-
    Flash saves FLA's and makes SWF's just as it should- opens
    FLA's and sees FLA file types in the saved folder.
    When I initialize the import/to library functon FLA file
    types are not listed unless I select 'all file types' in the file
    types drop down- it does recognize SWFs
    Flash did recognize FLA's until I played a Quicktime
    Instruction CD. With no further action on my part, it quit
    importing correctly-
    No viruses are found
    ?? ideas
    Any other ideas or work-arounds would be greatly

    Thanks Shane- but when I need to share a library file- I
    select file/ import to library and that is where I get the error- I
    was able to share Flash librarys befor I played the quicktime file-
    and now- unfortunately FLAs are an unrecognized format. And I am no
    longer getting the additional mesage 'do you want Quicktime to try
    and open them. Just a message that says 'one or more files were not
    imported because there were errors reading them'
    But they open in flash.... which is what I don't understand-
    something has happend that flash no-longer sees the fla file type
    under the File/ Import to Library.
    Yeah, that would have been a ton of effort... Hopefully a
    little more clarification in the details...

  • Hello. I'm fresh Flash Catalyst 5.5 user and I suppose I do something wrong. I tried to open .fla template simply by double-clicking it, but it is not recognized. Then I tried to rightclick on it and choose 'open file with', but when I choose FC 5.5 it just opens as new, empty file. I search whole lot of forums and it seems no one but me had ever problem like this. I hope in this case I'm just stupid and it's something obvious, i.e. FC doesn't read .fla files, and it's not my templates what are corrupted.

    Unfortunately Flash Catalyst does not support flas. It will import swfs and use them just fine. Flash Catalyst is really the design tool for Flash Builder.
    Hope this helps.

  • Does anyone know if this is at all possible?
    As I'm trying to find older versions of Flash and is becoming a pain, even the trials are non-existent, currently going through old cover disks to find trials.
    I did make an amend in the older Flash FLA file, saved and published it in CC,ran the SWF in a browser and the pages simultaneously skipped between one another.
    Any ideas grealy appreciated.
    *I accepted the prompt about all old Actionscripts will be updated - to continue using the CC effectively*

    You can find old trial versions at the site linked below.
    Be sure to follow the steps outlined in the Note: Very Important Instructions section on the download pages at this site or else the download will not work properly.

  • We are working with a set of old files, first developed in
    Flash 4 or 5. They contain text, audio, and embedded QT video, and
    they were published as .mov files. We've converted the videos to
    .flv files and now we need to link to the .flv files, using
    progressive download, and keeping all the text and audio the same.
    I've looked at every tutorial everywhere and cannot find one
    that shows a combination of video plus text and audio. I can get
    the FLVPlayback to work
    if I have nothing else in the file, and
    if I leave all the frames left from the original audio and
    put the video where the original .mov file was.
    Otherwise, the movie doesn't play. The path is correct.
    Actually, I just tested one where I removed the original .mov
    and replaced it with the FLVPlayback, and this one didn't work
    This is my 2nd request for help. I hope I've stated the
    problem clearly enough that someone will say aha! and give me the
    solution. I am highly frustrated.

    That's not quite it. The old mov files contained embedded
    video files in .mov format. I've converted the original videos from
    .mov to .flv files, no problem. Now I basically want to replace the
    embedded .mov file in the .fla file with a linked .flv file. What
    I'm doing:
    1. Open the old .fla file, convert to Flash 8.
    2. Select the embedded .mov file (the video), note the
    coordinates, and delete it.
    3. File->Import Video. Select Progressive download, locate
    the .flv file, and get the FLVPlayback component into the same
    keyframe and coordinates where the original .mov file was.
    4. Check the parameters for the FLVPlayback - path is correct
    (same folder as .swf and .fla).
    5. Publish - No video plays.
    If you can help me with this I will be deeply, deeply

Maybe you are looking for

Open it in another program. When you double-click FLS files, your computer attempts to open it in a. Upon clicking a download link, you'll be prompted to choose a location where the file should be saved. Select a location to save the file and click Save. When the download completes, press Ctrl+J to open the Downloads folder. In the window that appears, locate your download and click the Run button to open it.

  • I need sata support to install linux. Thought about freebsd, but it looked there where to many probabilities I would kill my computer. Tried fedora, and it was crap. So I wanted to know when is 0.6 going to be release. Anybody knows or can speculate?

  • Dear All, We need to communicate between two PI System and message should be transfer both the side. we don't share PI technical System Details. 1) whether we can create a Business System as a Third Party type with a Generic technical System which is

  • Hi, I have written a winforms application over a year ago. When I did, I used CR for VS. I had no problems creating reports. I have started a new application, and am having problems running a report. I can design the report with no problems, but when

  • Will it import the FLV natively? thanks..

  • So I just auto updated to Premiere CS5.0.2. For the most part everything seems to work ok. I have an nVidia 285GTX based graphics card so I use the GPU Mercury Playback Engine. However, any time I try and use one of the accelerated video transitions

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1st Method: Open it in another program.

When you double-click FLS files, your computer attempts to open it in a program associated with FLS files. If there's no program associated with FLS files on your computer, the file won't open. To open the file, download one of the most popular programs associated with FLS files such as Nokia Phone Flash File, Creator Simulator Fault List, or Stock Prospector Data Export Format.

2nd Method: Take a hint from the file type.

The FLS file extension usually indicates it's under the umbrella of GIS Files. However, if it's another file type, it might not open with one of the programs listed above. Take the following steps to find the file type:

  1. Right-click the file.
  2. Click 'Properties' (Windows) or 'More Info' (Mac).
  3. Locate the file type under either 'Type of File' (Windows) or 'Kind' (Mac).

Fla File Extension

3rd Method: Check with the developer.

So you've tried using a different program, you've confirmed the file type, and your FLS file still won't open. Even if these methods were unsuccessful, you might still be able to reach out to a software developer for help. Use the chart below to find the developer for each of the programs mentioned above and contact them directly for assistance.

SoftwareDeveloped By
Nokia Phone Flash FileNokia
Creator Simulator Fault ListTufts University
Stock Prospector Data Export FormatICLUBcentral Inc.
ArcView Windows Help Supporting FileESRI
WinFlash Educator Flashcard Source FileOpen Window Software
DBdemos FilePC Software Company
Farrukh Imposition Purlisher Filelist DocumentMicrosoft Developer

4th Method: Open it in a universal file viewer.

If the developer isn't able to help, a universal file viewer probably can. File Magic (Download) and similar programs are designed to open a wide variety of file formats, including FLS files. Some aren't compatible and will only open in binary. Download File Magic now to open you FLS and hundreds of other file types with one program!

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Optional Offer for File Magic by Solvusoft | EULA | Privacy Policy | Terms | Uninstall

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